Come una notte a Bali by Gianluca Gotto

2 mins read

On vacation, I read “Come una notte a Bali” by Gianluca Gotto. I didn’t know exactly what to expect. I was curious to discover what a novel set on one of the world’s most enchanting islands could offer me. What I didn’t imagine, however, was how deeply this book would resonate with me, prompting me to reflect on my life and the choices I’ve made.

From the very first pages, I was captivated by the magical atmosphere of Bali, described with such vividness that it made me feel as if I were really there, among the temples and rice fields. But what truly resonated with me was the protagonist’s inner journey. His decision to leave behind a life that no longer satisfied him to pursue a dream and rediscover himself made me think about how often we, too, let ourselves be conditioned by commonplaces and stereotypes.

We live in a society that imposes prepackaged models of success and happiness on us. From a young age, we are pushed to follow a predetermined path: a good education, a secure job, a family. But how often do we really stop to ask ourselves if these choices reflect what we truly want? “Come una notte a Bali” reminded me of how essential it is to look within, listen to our true desires, and have the courage to follow them.

The protagonist’s experiences in Bali, from meditations at sunset to conversations with local sages, became profound reflections for me. They made me realize that to find true happiness, we must be willing to break the invisible chains of social expectations and live a life that is authentically ours.

This book awakened me once again and helped me look beyond stereotypes and seek my own path to happiness. It taught me that true freedom and joy are found only when we learn to follow our hearts, free from the constraints of commonplaces. “Come una notte a Bali” is not just a travel novel; it is a guide for anyone who feels the weight of others’ expectations and wishes to rediscover their own path.

What can I say? I highly recommend it!